First Word

Just look around and you'll see new things happening!  We are doing upgrades and updates to our facilities.  We are out serving our community following the local tornados.  All the while we are still gathering to genuinely worship the Lord.  We aren't trying to be anybody else; we are just trying to be exactly who God called us to be.  I'm proud that ZFBC doesn't try to emulate culture instead we are seeing to influence culture.  Thousands of churches are trying to outdo one another in worship style and programming while at Zebulon we do what we do well.  We use the word "genuine" a lot around here.  We believe our worship style is genuine!  Often that style looks a little southern gospel-Ish, other times it's contemporary, but it's always spirit filled.  So, if you're looking for bible based expository preaching that is packed, with life application and you're looking for worship that authentically genuine then....Look no further-Welcome Home!  

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